Monday, November 11, 2019


Far into my 30' s and I recently bought a used Nintendo 3DSXL with the personal excuse that it would be a quit-smoking-aid, give my hands something to do during those quiet moments when a cig feels like the perfect coma. I have a PS4 but only use it for streaming movies and shows, as most of the games are too involved to play in short bursts.

So for the past three days most every idle hour I've been killing and collecting demons in Shin Megami Tensei IV. I've never played Pokemon but apparently this game is kind of like that game but for adults. It is a decidedly twisted narrative set in post-apocalyptic Japan. It's fun to hold that world in my hands, to occupy it.

There's probably a bit of warranted escapism seeing as I recently returned home from Thailand and really don't want to be back in this town, at this job, living this timeline (though I did miss the cats something awful). That said, I haven't written a word other than on this blog or in a journal since stepping stateside. I told myself that the novel would be like a siren beckoning seductively, but it seems absence does not always make the heart grow fonder.

Vidya games.

Anyways, I'm still reading at least.

That's my current pile. I am now an unabashed  Amphetamine Sulphate and Nine-Banded Books fanboy since reading stuff by New Juche (reviewed here and here), Ann Sterzinger, Anita Dalton, Peter Sotos, and others. Baby Killer is very intriguing and the longest of the bunch. Excited for what all of this does to my brain.

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